Thoughts & Ideas
I’m always psyched and honored when asked to share my point of view in any medium. Check out some of my faves.
Let’s Make People Uncomfortable:
Let's Make People Uncomfortable - a DisruptHR talk by Kelly Poulson
DisruptHR Philadelphia 2.0 - November 3, 2016 in Philadelphia, PA #DisruptHRPHL
Episode 11: Get Your Career Unstuck with Kelly Poulson
Listen now on Tech Bitch Podcast
Do you hate your job? Always wanted to pursue your dreams? Feeling like you’re no longer a good fit for your organization? Dreading Mondays? These are all signals that you are likely stuck in your current career and need to find a way to get unstuck. Career coach Kelly Poulson explains the steps that you need to take to get there and ways to explore what makes you happy in your career. To learn more about Kelly, visit
Unlocking Employee Potential with Kelly Poulson
Listen now on Employee Cycle
Listen to Kelly’s interview on the Employee Cycle podcast discussing Unlocking Employee Potential, and how this increases employee performance and engagement.
Featured On
On the Regular:
Medium ➔
A living network of curious minds.
Career Contessa ➔
The only career site built for women that lets you job search, book career counseling, get free career guidance and advice, and more. Real talk guaranteed.
FairyGodboss ➔
Jobs and company reviews by women, for women.
Some of my faves:
5 Realistic Ways for Introverts to Make Networking Less Painful ➔
Fear Of Failure? 3 Ways To Kick It To The Curb ➔
Look Out, LinkedIn — Facebook Groups Are Here To Help Women Find Work ➔
4 Simple Hacks That'll Pull You Out Of Your Career Rut ➔
Time For A Career Change? Here's How To Know — And How To Get Started ➔